So, it's been about a month since my last post. I honestly don't know why I blog. It's hard to keep up. But, hey at least I try? Right now.. I just feel anxious and antsy about something. I don't know what that is... I'm just EXCITED FOR LIFE?! Anyways... currently, I'm unemployed. I quit both my jobs- Wells Fargo & Vans. Not because I found a better job or I hate working at those places.. it's because I'm going on a study abroad in 10 DAYS. & I'm pretty freakin' stoked about it. Since i've been unemployed... I have NOTHING to do. Except to go to California with my best friends & spend time with my family and friends in Las Vegas. So if you care to keep reading... here's a little overview of the past 2 weeks of an unemployed college girl.
I decided to drive to Vegas a couple days early to get my car fixed because my AC and speedometer broke. My best friend Stormy Moniz and her boyfriend Mario hooked us up at the Marquee Day club & Night club... you all are wondering.. how did I get in to a 21+ club? Maybe, it is a plus that all Asians look the same ;)
CALIFORNIA DAY 1: Picked up Haleigh, Devin & Lauren from the airport and spent a little day trip at the Santa Monica Pier & the beach. Haleigh and I got a little excited about our little photo shoots :)
CA Playlist of the week:
- Gone Gone Gone By: Phillip Phillips
- Youngblood By: 3Oh!3
- Come on Eileen By: Dexy's Midnight Runners
- White Walls By: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
CALIFORNIA DAY 2: Thanks Laguna Beach on MTV for being our inspiration for the day. Well... we obviously spent our day at Laguna Beach :) I picked up my best friend Andrea Merrell from Murrieta, CA & from there- WE HAD A BLAST. Then, Kari, Myunghee & Brian joined us for today's festivities. BUT WAIT? WHAT ABOUT CALIFORNIA CLINGER & HIS 33 YEAR OLD FRIEND? hahaha if you're still reading... ask Haleigh Hoffmanner about it ;)

CALIFORNIA DAY 3: We left the OC & drove up north to Ventura area, where we had the chance to stay with Kyle Bergsma and his wonderful family. Seriously, I want to be parents like his cuz they are so cool. We saw up close a wildfire happening in Kyle's home area & went to Zuma Beach and dug up sand crabs! We didn't stay long because KYLE GOT HIS MISSION CALL!!! HE'S GOING TO MONTEREY MEXICO EAST IN AUGUST. To celebrate, Kyle's parents took us to Macaroni Grill & I got to drive a Vintage convertible FIAT. It was awesome. We ended the night @ Oxnard Beach, helping Andrea check off one of the things on her bucket list, have a bonfire at the beach :)

CALIFORNIA DAY 4: May 4th, 2013.... Me & some other people have been waiting for this day... KENZIE AND BLAKE'S WEDDING! This day was full of the LA temple & Kenzie's reception. & let me just tell you something... Kenzie looked stunning & she was literally perfect. The weather was sunny & being at the temple when they came out just reminded me that.. yes, I want to be married so bad to my future husband.. but also to be sealed for time & ETERNITY with my best friend. The church is TRUE everyone.
Okay, now if you're still reading this... I commend you. Probably the next post you'll see is my first adventure on my study abroad. I'll make sure I keep you guys posted :)